It’s a Bit of a Mess: Entropic Accumulation as Care

Abby Tuckett 
M.Arch I 2024


Consider the 【】

01. Broken 
02.  Δ ing
03. Insignificant
   03 -A. Quaint
04. Connected
05. ±

Connections are  【】

01. Organized
02.   Notable 
    02-A. Digital 
    02-B. Analog
   02-C. Late at Night
    02-D. Lost 
03.   Continuous
05. Messy
06.  Collections

Co-Transforming in 【】

01. USA
   01-A. Charlesgate
    01-B. Providence
        01-B.01  My  Room
        01-B.01  My Home
       01-B.01  My walk
   01-C. Newton
02. Practice
03. Books
04. ±
Guidelines as a 【】

01. Map 
02. Drawing 
03.  City?
04.  Process
What else am I missing? (i need to organize my mind so welcome to some process in final)
 Music
 Pictures of my rooms
 Thesis Statement
 pictures from  new construction


= external links 
± = all the extras that do not fit
Δ = Change (Delta)


A note to the curious: If you are here, you have found my website. Feel free to look around and see what you find!  Some links work and some pages are pretty, but there are always broken and unfinished edges. Welcome to little look into my mind, my work, my process... you know the rest. Please search, be curious, get lost, and celebrate the tangents. I am glad you are here, have a moment of untethered exploration and restful play. 』『》

What would occur if system deviations were epicenters for accumulation? With every layer paint, trimmed branch, welded corner, and poured sidewalk, we reaffirm current systems and participate in an ever-developing palimpsest. Maintenance and care is not only a preservation of flawed systems, but also a collection of deviations. We often ignore the latter for the comfort of control and semblance of simplicity. If the pattern is a flat sheet of metal, every trimmed edge and connection point is an alteration in the original system. We admit these deviations because of their apparent minimal impact and accepted connection to the original system. If we truly embrace this collection of deviations, we participate in entropic accumulation. Entropic accumulation consists of and is shaped by change, inching ever-closer to complete dissolution and unpredictability. As we support this reshaping and reconfiguration in the present, we support an unknown entropic future. This mode of working expects constant shifts in scale and perspective, and is rooted in empathy and curiosity. We cannot understand everything, but this consideration and adaptation is care.